Overlap Waney Panels
Overlap fencing is probably the most common type of fencing available. It consists of overlapped horizontal pieces that are set in a frame of wooden battens to hold them together. The horizontal pieces are thinner and not machined into straight pieces but this is reflected in their cheaper cost. It is definitely worth shopping around for the cheaper panels as they can be great value but they do also vary widely in quality depending on where you source them from. A panel manufactured by the company Grange has really good mitred corners as opposed to a panel from a garden centre which is most likely simply two battens nailed together at a right angle.

Closeboard Feather Edge Panels
Closeboard panels are machined vertical pieces held together by horizontal rails. Be wary of the premium panels that charge an extra £10-20 for a few pence of extra rail!
The name feather edge comes from the taper on the vertical pieces being wider on one side then than the other. More sturdy than overlap fencing but it does cost slightly more.

European Madrid Panels

European Florence Panels

Venetian Hit and Miss Panels